business problem solver who hacks & Designs

Research Event

Nov 11, 2024

Ideating based on research in VR.

introducing Prototype Club / "Bring a paper" ideation session! Some days you wake up with a brilliant idea, and head towards your tools to craft a prototype, something to communicate that idea to others in the most effective way - here is where Prototype Club, ShapesXR and similar play critical role, and every single time I see you and your prototypes I'm reminded how incredible and important it is to have this small powerful community focused entirely on motivating each other to push our ideas forward. But.. These brilliant ideas? What if they don't come? Or worse yet, what if ideas that we have - are subconsciously steered by social pressure and what we see on social media? The whole religion of money and profit that overshadows reality, taking away our power to come up with ideas that help to solve biggest challenges, not just make a quick cash. With that in mind, I've thought about an experiment we can run on the upcoming Prototype Club -- it all starts with you, bringing with you either a RESEARCH PAPER, or a piece of DATA that struck you somehow, or you found inspiring. Then, together, we will do an ideation session that's rooted in those research papers, pieces of data, so that our ideas will have strong foundations if any of us decide to pursue prototyping it further. This is also serving a role of being a strong reason to raise awareness around future prototypes, as using actual research, and actual data, can be a way to get PR / Media interested in these prototypes - helping us bridge the gap between ideas, and working impact projects. As with research, and data - we are talking about things that need to be at least minimally understood, so I'm opening this miro board - where you can start posting research papers, or data sets/points, that you would love to bring to the table on the upcoming session. The goal/intent is to make our ideas, and by extension - prototypes, rooted in science, research and data, so eventual prototypes/mvps and ready projects - can have significant credibility boost and media attention without spending extra money on it. To join the session: - join the club over here - - or send me a message - or come to the ShapesXR space on Wednesday at 6pm CET (code: 121R 1A9Z)

iggy love, llc
169 Madison Ave #2631
New York 10016, USA