business problem solver who hacks & Designs

business problem solver who hacks & Designs

business problem solver who hacks & Designs

I’ve always seen the world a little differently.

Growing up surrounded by architects and artists, I believed that the world isn’t fixed; it’s a canvas waiting to be reshaped and redesigned.

But with this vivid perception came profound challenges.

My mind overflowed with millions of ideas, each more compelling than the last, yet my ADHD made it a Herculean task to channel them into focused action. The very thoughts that fueled my creativity also led to chaotic thinking and unfinished projects.

I grappled with anxiety, moments of disconnection from my own body, and a haunting sense of loneliness and hopelessness.

I realized that communication is the foundation upon which impact is built.

It wasn’t enough to have ideas; I needed to bring them into sharp focus and turn them into reality. I began channeling my hypercreativity into activist projects, testing social innovation ideas, and immersing myself in impact startups.

No longer was I content with just communicating—I wanted to actively participate in creating tangible change.

Today, I’m not just a communicator- I’m a catalyst for change.

I collaborate with others to bring bold, impactful projects to life, using video and design as tools to make ideas not only seen but felt and acted upon.

I believe that when we unite clear thinking with creative execution, we can tackle the global challenges that face us.


rapid prototyping

systems thinking

design thinking


ai powered

workshops & facilitation

narrative first

research based

design sprints

zoom out

zoom in

idea is just a start of an idea


rapid prototyping

systems thinking






aerial videos

motion design

full-stack dev








Let’s join forces. Let's design and communicate impactful projects that drive positive changes.