Picture a scenario.
It's Monday morning, you wakeup with the sound of chimes on your iphone. 7AM and you are thinking about that podcast when you've learned that sleep regularity is more important than sleep length, and how sleep regularity is WAY MORE IMPORTANT.
You've listened, adapted your life to it, and lo and behold, results are in, you are feeling better. Okay, that thought is gone, time to meditate, journal, and in left leg, in right leg, and then you stand there checking yourself out in the mirror, wearing mantights, like a professional athlete. (it does actually help with muscle recovery - another podcast gem).
You leave your place, pick up water bottle, and march towards the gym. It's windy, rain drizzles, but right before entering the sacred body temple filled with sweat, you make sure you have that podcast episode ready to play when you come onto the treadmill. 1 hour 30 min episode, perfect, right about what I need, you think.
You listen, first 10-15 minutes you don't judge, you know the show, episodes are usually great, but then 30minutes into it, you realise you just don't connect with the speaker. Yes, he speaks of interesting things, but the way he does it, I don't know, was it feeling arrogant? or maybe there was something his voice that made it not that pleasant?
Maybe, you think, it was that quality of previous episodes from this show were really really high, and really spoke to you, in langauge that you understood, that CLICKED.
About 45 minute mark, you are done, you are frustrated, and angry about wasting your time on such low quality information, pumped into your endorphine primed brain.
Then, you spot a STICKER, on the wall in the gym, right next to the deadlift station. It's a cool logo, microphone, some kind of mobile application, it has only logo, and QR code on it, intriguide, you scan it, and are welcomed by AppStore listing of something called PERSONALIZED DAILY PODCAST, or PDP in short.
You scroll through screens and text, and realize this is exactly what you need!
PDP offers daily podcasts, that are catered to your unique preferences, you fully control algorithm that dictates what's on the podcast, and get this - every day, you can CHOSE VOICE AND STYLE of delivery to your liking.
You are barely believing what you are reading - are you serious? I can specify that I'm interested in Biotechnology, History of Ancient Zebras, and latest fashion experiments by underground Kazakhstans, delivered in the voice of Homer Simpson? Or case studies about environmental law, intertwined with social psychology, delivered in style of Joe Rogan? Keanu Reeves? How about latest religious news, delivered through Eminems voice?
You download the app, set your preferences, you want the app to automatically deliver podcast every SECOND day, that's when you go to gym, in the voice of your friend Bob, who's got something about his voice (he did small voice over work for one of those big blockbuster film trailers).
You test it, and it just works. OH MY SPACE. IT DOES WORK!
You tweak algorithm using natural language (You specify that instead of general interesting things, you specifically want more short stories, with detaield action oriented steps that could help you integrate learnings into your daily life as a drone pilot in a search & rescue team).
And now, you keep talking about this app, and sharing it with EVERYBODY.
PDP / Personalized Daily Podcast - podcasts, but only for me.