business problem solver who hacks & Designs

business problem solver who hacks & Designs

business problem solver who hacks & Designs

water me hard

during my first xr hackathon i've put a lot of emphasis on creating strong and fun narrative around using xr to learn how to take care of plants. by focusing on ai enabled sassy personalities, narrative got picked by judges and was awarded second prize for best prototyping in ShapesXR

during my first xr hackathon i've put a lot of emphasis on creating strong and fun narrative around using xr to learn how to take care of plants. by focusing on ai enabled sassy personalities, narrative got picked by judges and was awarded second prize for best prototyping in ShapesXR

during my first xr hackathon i've put a lot of emphasis on creating strong and fun narrative around using xr to learn how to take care of plants. by focusing on ai enabled sassy personalities, narrative got picked by judges and was awarded second prize for best prototyping in ShapesXR

hackathon promo video

screen from promo video i've directed, edited and produced

concept development with midjourney

menu ui prototype in ShapesXR

app logo designed to evoke sense of play

bodystorming rapid prototyping video

design assets in figma

screen from adobe premiere pro editing promo video

bodystorming rapid prototyping video

screenshot from ShapesXR prototyping water indicator

quick userflows in figjam

ui concepts for wrist menu

iggy love, llc
169 Madison Ave #2631
New York 10016, USA

iggy love, llc
169 Madison Ave #2631
New York 10016, USA